
It was August 27, 2012 and I just cut my hair completely off. This was no big deal; I always chop it off every three months or so. But, this time it was different. Before I would cut it off because I was too hot or because I hated combing it. Today I am cutting it off to represent a changing in my life. “I am letting it grow.” Possibly forever until I die. Who knows? I had weighted in at 253 lbs in that picture.
Something is changing in me. My other half calls it menopause or an old mans weird wiring’s (she does that offenly); but I know it is something else. Something with a meaning to my life that I just can’t grasp as of yet. Perhaps I am simply tried of her calling me names like “the Buddha” or “fatso”? Who knows, but maybe it is or maybe I have other unexplained plans.

The picture above was taken in January 27, 2013. I have lost 33 pounds with out trying or doing exercises. I tend to walk through the course of my work day for three miles easily. I have cut down on eating too much empty calories like sweets and tortillas.
As of August 12, 2013 my stats were:
- 212.4 pounds
- body fat mass = 60.91 pounds or 21.7 % body fat
- 5’7″ height
- 46 years
- 38″ waist circumference
Today’s date is May 7, 2014 and time has flown by. I know the things I want to accomplish before I die. I want to get trim and in shape. I want to have a V shape with a six pack to show for my hard work, but I do not want to lose any muscle, if I have any. LOL.
I want to remove my debt, see the seven wonders of the world, save money for my little girl to go to college, and I want to visit my little brother in Japan, and I want to climb Mount Everest. Okay-okay…maybe not climb Mount Everest!
Today I am sitting in at 202 pounds and I have been pumping a little iron. I haven’t gotten serious yet; I am just beginning to wake up. I am still been called the Buddha, but that does not bother me anymore.
Time to speed up ahead of my game! Hope to hear words of encouragement, I always hear them from my little girl. There is a charge in the air and its positivo! Despite the latest in happenings from getting a new job, losing my Mother in Law, and other things; I feel the winds of change and the heavy clouds opening to reveal rays of light. Thanks in advance!