The Meal Replacement Shake comes in four different flavors and come in a 14 serving box. Perfect for on the go meal replacement that gives you 24 grams of protein, 5-6 grams of fiber, and 26 vitamins and minerals. Best of all, it has only and 220 calories!
The flavors that are available are Chocolate Mocha, Chocolate, Vanilla and Berry. My choice of flavor was the Chocolate Mocha and I have to say, it tastes great!
I started my morning with my Advocare Spark and Probiotic Restore supplements which are part of the First Phase of the 24-Day Challenge.
The Probiotic Restore supplement is the one on the bottom left and come inside the Herbal Cleanse box. I ate two boiled eggs and a slice of toast. for breakfast.
My workout to started at 8 pm sharp and lasted for exactly 1 hour. As stated before, I started with the ab workout after 10 minutes of warm up exercises. My muscle workout areas included back, biceps, and calves.
For the back muscle group I did bent over pull-ups and cable pull-downs. 4 sets each at 8-10 reps. Plus I hanged around the pull-up bar for 10 seconds x 4 (I still can not do a pull-up) YET! I did 4 sets each in the range of 8-10 reps of dumb bell curls and barbell curls. I ended my workout with standing calve raises; also 4 sets at 8-10 reps. Was a good workout overall.
P.S. I had dinner around 5 pm which consisted of grilled chicken thighs and vegetables. Til next time; see you later and may you all have a pleasant evening.
Today is Day 3 of the 24-Day Challenge and I went ahead and posted the link to the 24-Day Challenge Guide , which can be downloaded as a pdf. and should answer any questions you might have about the program. The guide gives examples of what is recommended you eat and a schedule to fellow for best results. Should you want to challenge yourself or a special someone, you can order the 24-Day Challenge Bundle (my website and affiliate link) and join to better yourself or friend. I look forward to hearing your results first hand.
Day three started the same as in the past two days. I took the recommended products, but what I am doing different today is that I am starting my working out program since I am off from work for the next two days. During the days that I work I will have to improvise; for example, working out before work or after wards. My workouts will start at 8-8:30 pm on the days I don’t work; it is the optimal biological time for someone at my age. The workout today will consist of weighted twists (10 minutes), 3 sets of sit-ups and 3 sets of leg raises with reps in the 15-20 range for now until I get better at it.
In one of my previous posts I mentioned the term “Aesthetically Pleasing”, which I described is a form that our Female counterparts enjoy seeing the most in the Males. That form involves having a V-SHAPE form, which can be accomplished by widening the shoulders and back. The best home exercises for that (I have read) are pull-ups (Unfortunately I can only do two), exercises involving the shoulders and back. There are many to choose from and I will over time do most of them as I pursue my dreams of having a body that pleases female eyes.
Needless to say, I have both a cable weight machine and free weights plus a bench, which I bartered for my MiG Welder. Here are some photos of my set up to give you ideas should you wish to workout from home instead of the gym.
I just finished my hour long workout. Here are the photos I mentioned earlier (I just took them).
My homemade pull-up bar made from 1 1/4 black metal pipe which I had Lowe’s Home Improvement Center cut and retread. Works great, but I could only do half a pull-up today. Chucks! So much for doing two. I already had the 4 x 6 and 4 x 4 posts, which I had set up many years ago for my “then” little girl’s swing which she out grew.
So, I have the tools to succeed to my quest to become a better shapely man. We will see how that rolls out as the days and weeks go by.
I will continue to do my two pull-ups (zero, I was only able to pull my big butt half way up) and will toughen up doing cable pull-downs, which are recommended to strengthen the muscles necessary for pull-ups. This week I’m concentrating on cable workouts and next week I’l add free weights to those exercises I am already doing. So today’s workout will be for the chest, shoulders, triceps, and abs, which are for everyday.
I did 4 sets of bench presses on the cable machine in the 8-14 range (for reps), dumbbell shoulder shrugs and inverted flies (4 sets apiece 8-14 reps), triceps pull-downs in the same ranges. I feel pretty good and the muscles tight. My resting periods were as much time needed to change the weights to a lower one to keep the reps the same (30-40 seconds).
That’s it for today! Maybe next time I will add more photos of the actual workouts, but how knows…there are plenty of them on-line already. See next time…in “One Man’s Lifelong Quest to pursue that eluding perfect form!” Or something like that! “OKAY-okay!!!” I had to come back and add something else because the total word count fell unto 666…YIKES!
Today I received my 24 Day Challenge package from, a place where I am also a distributor. I figured that since I am going to promote those products that I should give them a try first hand. The 24-Day Challenge (affiliate link) is a package deal to help you get fit and involves two phases. The first one is the Cleanse Phase which take ten days to complete. This phase helps remove waste and prepares your body for optimal nutrient absorption during the Max Phase (11-24 day period).
24- Day Challenge Cleanse-Phase-Products
I have already started taking the products recommended by Advocare and will keep a close track and there performance. This next photo is a recent one in which I weigh in at 199.6 pounds. I am at 26 percent body fat.
I will post one photo every week to see the differences as the days go by. I have shifted my goals from trying to lose weight to being in shape. There is a difference which I will explain my thoughts next time, so I might not post my weigh ins. Till next time! See Ya!
I just challenged myself to lose the weight I have been dreaming of doing for many years now. My goal is to lose 10 lbs of fat and replace it with muscle. At present I stand in at 199 lbs, which ain’t too bad considering I had started out at 250 lbs back in October. I have slowly lost the excess weight by eating less and of course; it helps to have a job that makes you walk 3 to 4 miles 5 times a day.
I will go full blast starting …NOW! Also, in a week or two I will receive my package I ordered the 24 DAY CHALLENGE , which is a package deal. It has all the stuff I need to make it happen and take my game to the next level. From protein shakes to herbal cleansing plus advice on how to in meals and other cool stuff. If you want to join or just check out some of the goodies they offer, you can link to the site from here. Keep in mind that anything you buy or should you join in as a seller; I might and probably benefit as well in form of a small compensation which will not affect the your cost at all. I taught it would be best to mention it before I continue.
Needless to say, I have friends that have been using this product, so I am all in. It might not work for me or it might not work for you, but it all boils down to the efforts we put into it. I do know that I’m going for it all the way. Hope you join me to a better live style and a healthy one at that.